Environmental and Quality Management Policy in United Arab Emirates

Based on advanced technical achievements and innovative technologies IPlast Saudi LLC team is determined to:

-      develop and manufacture plastic products enabling its clients to optimize logistic processes due to reduction of expenses on storage, transportation and management of supply chains;

Company assumes the responsibility to:

-      comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, statutory and other applying requirements;

Be aimed at continuous improvement of quality management system and apply to the following principles on a daily basis:

1. Commitment to customer satisfaction. The meaning of the Company’s existence is the creation of advantage for the satisfaction of the needs of the customers. By improving quality of operations, we get greater support and value from our customers. The same principal is applied to interactions between internal customers.

2. Determination and fixation of requirements Quality is the level of compliance with the requirements which must be determined and fixed. The principal is applicable in everything and it demands setting of the requirements not only to products and services, but to all objects and processes which are involved in the Company’s activity (raw material, personnel, technological processes, documents and etc.).

3. Forecasting based on analysis of facts. Forecasting and setting requirements should be carried out after analysis of data, obtained as a result of objective research and recording. 

4. Shared responsibility. Every employee of the Company is a customer and a supplier for the colleagues at the same time. That is why expecting from them a good work he shall be, first of all, liable of a qualified performance of his own duties. Rules, regulations and requirements should be valid for all employees of the Company without exception. Non-observance of rules, regulations and requirements shall be a disfunction and all employees of the Company are interested in its elimination. The Company’s employees are responsible not only for elimination of consequences of disfunctions, but for prevention of their future appearance.

5. System approach and interdependence. All departments of the Company are interrelated to each other and pursue the same target. Moreover, the Company itself has interdependent relations with its partners, suppliers and clients. The made management decisions should maintain a balance of expectations of all the involved parties, kind relations inside the Company and with its partners as well.